How It Works
Kesawa is the easiest, safest and most convenient way to buy today, and re-pay over time. No fees, no fuss! _
How does Kesawa work?
We have partnered with retailers and merchants all over the world to allow you to buy now and pay later with your Kesawa account.
Once you create your Kesawa Account, it will be credited with money which you can use to buy from any of our registered merchants and retailers. This allows you to pay for goods and services now, and then re-pay the amount to Kesawa over time, with no hidden fees or interest!
For Shoppers
Create Kewasa Account
Sign Up for your Kesawa account, to get started
Enter Your Card Details
Link your Card to your kesawa account
Get Credit in your Kesawa Account
Receive credit in your Kesawa Account
Start Shopping and Making payments
Thats it, once your account is set up you will transact securely!
For Retailers
Create Kewasa Account
Sign Up for your Kesawa account, to get started
Apply for Merchant Account
Submit your application to become a Kesawa Merchant
Enter your Card Details
Link your Card to your Kesawa account
Add Kesawa as a Payment Option
Add Kesawa as a payment option on your online store